FISSAL helps fund treatments for diseases such as cancers, kidney failure, birth defects, transplantation, hemophilia, etc.. in poor and extremely poor, supplementing the care provided by the Comprehensive Health Insurance. So we bet on the joint life and how we make common cause to help the most needy.

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FISSAL was created by Law 27656 (15.01.02) to "promote access to quality health services for the population excluded from it" it is a supplementary funding for the Integral Health Insurance for those benefits that it can not fully fund, and that is not served by any other branch office.

Donations to Interbank Account :

Account Number 200-3011539993

and from abroad




viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010

Funding Sources

Public Resources
In 2009, FISSAL succeeded in incorporating to Law 2934, Universal Insurance Law as well as the Regulation of said law, which is about to be approved. Thus, FISSAL officially obtained a defined role in politics and in the public health system. Additionally, FISSAL continues making arrangements with the Ministry of Health (MINSA) and the Ministry of Economy and Finances (MEF) for allocation of resources.

International Cooperation

With the support of International Cooperation, Peruvian-Belgian Studies Fund, we currently manage financing of 2 studies: "Claims, Incidence and revalence of Catastrophic high cost Illnesses in Peru and their Financial Projection" and “Structure and Financing of the Fund for
Catastrophic Illnesses and High Cost in Peru“.
Deployment of a network of HONORARY DELEGATES has begun in the cities of: Rome, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Tokio, in order to undertake activities to disseminate information about FISSAL’s work, looking for various funds and grants.
Private Sources

We permanently make campaigns and public activities to collect funds from civil society and private companies.